The Uncommons

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10/10 on the vibes. Oh, I knew before walking in. I’ve been here before. A very long game of Ticket to Ride, from what could be almost ten years ago is seared into my memory...but, somehow it has retained its spark (and dare I say has gotten better). Why do I claim this? Not why, who. Who: the spectacled specimen at the counter with the rawest gorgeous energy. I walked in and proclaimed how annoying I was going to be, just buying a coffee to use the bathroom.

His response: “Oh my gosh, you can just use it. Do not worry.”

Okay, take my money. This response is one from a sensational human being.

Then, spotting the Hex & Co. business card on the counter, I voiced some perplexity.

“Wait, are you guys related to Hex & Co.?”

He then gave me the full run-down of the relationship—they’re like sister stores because of the owners—and then he asked me if I knew about the new location that just opened up. I shook my head.

“Well, we’re supposed to be plugging it,” he continued.

“Plug away!”

I mentally added it to my list. Then I suddenly remembered: bathroom. I passed through the tunnel of never ending board games, card games, and more—for sale, for play, for perusing—and found the bathroom just past the packaged Catan (and of course my dreaded Ticket to Ride). When I emerged back into the sanctuary of play, my eyes did a basilic reach to try and pick out a game or two, wedged into any one of the hundreds of stacks. But, it’s like trying to read every label at the Met. The solution is the same: follow your intrigue. Whilst ceasing my efforts, the perfect scene unfolded in the main room. A casual couple were in the middle of some decisions at the counter when a few folks walked in behind them... 


They were friends of theirs, and they’d all unknowingly gone to the same spot at the same time. As they all hugged, one of the young women said through a caught breath: “It’s such a big city...”

No need to think of a better way to sum up the magic of this uncommon experience.  



For More


For More 〰️

Drink: Coffee

The culprit is La Columbe. I did not know that’s what I was going to be served. But, once I brought it to my lips, I knew something was up. I won’t go holding it against them. It just lands plain—no fruitiness, no flavor notes, no potency. It would act well as a diner coffee, but for a cafe coffee—with no sandwiches to be wary of it clashing with—it hits the bottom of the river with an audible thud. To hedge your bets, I would say that this place is the one to just get a latte and flavor it with something you’ve never considered before. A mocha might do the trick or perhaps, if you are truly feeling adventurous, peanut butter or raspberry. But try to avoid plain coffee. 


Price*: Small Coffee=$2.50

*If you’re in here to play (because, why wouldn’t you be?), there’s a student discount Monday–Thursday: $8/three hours rather than $10/three hours!

Hours: SundayThursday {10–23}; FridaySaturday {10–00:00}


Steeplechase Coffee


Gumption Coffee