

On May 23, 2017, I did a roundup of the cafes after hitting 100…


Bubble Tea/Boba Tea

April 14, 2022: First time at The Teapsy in Astoria, NY (Queens). A friend of mine from high school insisted we stop in after bagels. I got the Peach Hibiscus Milk Tea (caffeine free, dairy free, and in a natural and romantic shade of purple, this milk tea is the sibling of their best-selling Peach Hibiscus tea) with boba and color me majorly impressed. At 0% sugar, with the pieces of real peach, it was the perfect amount of flavorful and sweet. I would pick up one again in a heartbeat.

5/24/2022: East Wind Snack Shop

Carroll Gardens, NY

Cold brew bubble coffee=$5.50.

I ordered this in an effort to save my life. While it did just that, I would not recommend it. Frankly, it was of poor quality and way too expensive. And to be abundantly clear this is a Chinese restaurant, not a boba shop. They have it as a courtesy, as a complement, and I’m just grateful that it meant caffeine.

CLOSED 1/12/22:

Matcha House

The first time I had come here on 7/22/21, there hadn’t been any coffee options. Then the second time I’d happen to stop by on 12/3/21, these had appeared, a mini chalk board with the words “Now Serving COFFEE” across the top. Unfortunately, I never had a chance to try it and subsequently review it. However, I will say that I adored their Fruity Pebbles (first visit) and Cookies & Cream (second visit) sundaes (both pictured below), and I am very sad to see this spot go.

I’m not one to head to a teahouse. As this blog so clearly demonstrates, they’re not really my thing. That being said, a friend of mine—a Wrocławian native if you will—took me to this place right outside of the city center. I itched to call it a “tea joint” just then, but the amount of hookah being smoked here made it feel much to ironic to do so. Seeing as the tea she and I shared wasn’t really anything special, let me just state one thing: the ambiance and setting were spectacular. A bite to the cold outside and yet, you could sit in their outdoor area with the heating lights on and the simply-patterned cushions between you and the patio planks and strip to your thinnest. Honestly, Monika and I didn’t even mind the tea’s lack of flavor too astounded by how the warmth seemed to radiate in all ways – mood included. Just an amazing place to kick back and chat. Besides, the menu is so extensive. I think that this, in conjunction with the tearoom’s feng shui feel, makes it worth another shot; not to mention worth an initial shot 😊


Starbucks in Wrocław Dwórzec Główny

I just need to add this post. I know it may seem like I'm a coffee snob (which, guilty), but I also go to Starbucks or another chain every so often. I'm not above that. And, every summer, I have a tradition: I get a Frappuccino. I did it in New York. And well, since I'm not in New York this summer—and don't foresee that happening—I figured I could keep up tradition in Poland. So, while I needed to kill an hour till my bus, I stopped into this Starbucks in Wrocław's Main Railway Station. And three things:

One, the barista wrote my name on my cup right without any help from me, which is hard enough in the States, but in Poland where Maggie is very rare, it is a redoubtable feat.

Two, the Java Chip Frappuccino my fellow barman mixed me was the best I have ever had. Perfect balance between coffee and chocolate, the ideal amount of chips, a flavor aside from ice and sugar (that if you've ever gotten a Frappuccino you'll know is far too often the classic taste), and whip cream of the perfect amount and consistency. It was glorious.

Third, this is the most beautiful Starbucks I have ever been in.  The walls painted royal green and trimmed in maroon, the ceilings with gold and bronze designs, the lanterns with Ticker Bell pixie dust, the expanse—just such a lovely place. A magical space very worthy of a good book—which is exactly the way the lady next to me, seemingly parked there for many hours, felt as she was deeply engrossed in a story herself.

Nowy Bufet

Okay guys and gals, hold onto your hats, this is something to get excited about.  No, this is not a hipster coffee shop.  No, this place isn’t an underwater cafe.  No, this place isn’t open till Hell opens it’s gates.


This place serves drip coffee.

You heard me.  This place pours drip coffee from a pot.

And, I’m serious now sit down.

It comes with a free refill.

And and and it costs 4zł.

No cappuccinos or lattes, no iced coffee or milkshakes – just big or small, milk or no milk.

And there are American-style pancakes, and a Reuben, and Croquet Monsieur, and all the food makes no sense, but who cares.

The depressing part now: open M-F from 9-16:00.

However, I’m confident you’ll find time…



Not as much of a blog as a dedication. I don’t rate Starbuckses.

But, the line at the Washington Square Park Starbucks is stuck in my memory.

The all-day hours during finals time (where the left picture comes from) gave me a place to find solace from Bobst or study till 8:15AM for International Economics.

The bathroom key—something I’ve come to accept as more of a figment of communal imagination than something I actually sought to find.

The clientele it kept caffeinated including celebrities that tended to waltz in and out on odd days of which you’d hear about mid-afternoon.

The entrance doors and then the actual entry doors. Not the ones that led to the basement and where I had my Prague orientation on the right, but the ones directly in front of you which will hit you in the face if you’re not paying attention.

If you’re wondering where the title of this blog comes from, see Urban Dictionary. It has an entry on it.

Don’t come here for service. Don’t even come here for Starbucks.

Come here if you’re a poor NYU student with only meal swipes.

Come here if you’ve been sexiled from your dorm room.

Come here if you have nowhere else to go.

Recently, I was home for the first time in over a year and hit up a place in my hometown of Orlando called Chewy Boba. You have this to thank for the above.

Note: They have amazing taro tea, Vietnamese coffee, and a punch card to boot.

You're welcome.

Boba Tea Blurb: Best NYC

Awhile back I wrote myself a list of what I considered New York's best. Living there for 4 years during college, I came to know the city and found out what it had to offer. A small part of that list was dedicated to Boba Tea—

Best Bubble Tea: DEPENDS…

Gaufres & Goods Disclaimer:

I’m not going to review this place.  I am only going to give a warning that (if you want to live) you must heed: the latte is an abomination.  It has been forever coined as the fish latte, the sushi latte, the fishy Polish coffee, something brought up from Hell’s very depths to haunt us all.  The 3 individuals you see pictured survived it.  But, only to warn others (the one furthest right too scared to even brave a sip.  But really, who could blame him?).

Do not get the latte.

Do not subject yourself to whatever this latte appearing thing is.

It is not a latte.

Bananas a Modern American Diner 7/7/2013

A drag show and place for the books. CLOSED on 5/7/2014.