CafeAnywhere’s Story

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Kindly put, I'm passionate about coffee.

Honestly put, I like coffee beyond the normal standard of like.

Candidly put, caffeine in me is the way by which each hour I breathe manages to move by and that hiss and hum of brewing coffee is what I imagine the sound of Earth's rotation to be like.

I'm one in a sea of those impassioned by the bean.

But, that all changed one day as I read the words "creamy cappuccino" on an online blog.

That did it. Something had to be done.

Somewhere online - for me, for a coffee-seeking adventurer, for the world - there needed to be a reliable, motley, engaging, and accessible coffee blog that gave one the low-down without simply acting as a platform for a coffee-holic to spout their opinions.  There needed to be one by an individual that had worked as a barista (Gregorys), had actually been to a coffee plantation (Britt in Costa Rica), had traveled the world (all 7 continents to be exact), and who genuinely and unmaliciously sought to inform and encourage coffee drinkers all over the globe to find a cup wherever they end up.

Not sure if I've done it yet.

But with every cup of coffee and each cafe, I vow to deliver the world to you.

Don't be fooled. It's a beautiful coffee world.


For the blog key, start here:

DISCLAIMER: None of these blog entries will include an entrance photo. The reason for this isn't laziness. The two reasons for this blog are these: a personal diary of the coffee shops I have visited and my opinions of each of them as well as to encourage people to go out and seek out a great cup of coffee on a beautiful day. I want people to explore and go find a place. Part of this exploration is getting lost and sucking in that breath of relief when you come upon the entrance, finally. I don't aim to take this away.

So, I direct and you seek out.  Coffee to promote exploration. I enjoy this seemingly anachronistic sentiment.