Coffee Labs Roasters (Tarrytown)

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Dogs are the thematic base, and it is puissant, but anyone claiming that the cafe succumbs to this theme would be mistaken. What it is a cafe with Main Street also happens to have an endearing constant. The walk in, under a brick—painted in a rectilinear Dalmatian pattern—archway already hints at an experience. The distinction is that oftentimes I come across interior and operation, but these do not guarantee follow-through. A salutation in a story-time voice from of the barista repping Dungeons and Dragons in a bright red t-shirt pulls your attention to the counter, tethers you despite the graphed exhibition of for-sale art—including Warholian celebrities and colorized marine quiddities—and the Diedrich roaster going full speed ahead. I have yet to come across another cafe that has not only included its roaster, but has had it active and heralded it in its own corner, one backgrounded by a painted motion picture scene of a brown lab in a Bel-Air, driving away from a beach after presumably bursting through the wall and oversized coffee beans. After regarding the twig shelves with letters and numbers, free-handed into drinks and prices, sit in a Kody upholstered, honey faux leather side chair, stay in a booth, wait in a stool at the French window, go ahead and find the right fit. This cafe is of a different breed: well-trained, loving, and—most importantly—comprehending what all that means.



For More


For More 〰️

Drink: Cortado

IT’S A BITTER BETTY, AND WE LOVE HER. If you need sugar in regular coffee, get ready to steal a handful of Sugar In The Raw. No, in my estimation, the flavor profile isn’t caramel or cherries, but bakers chocolate and  perhaps an ever-so-slight almond (baked almonds might be most accurate—not toasted). If the flavor, the precision, and the presentation weren’t enough, the actual latte art IS A DOG. I’m smitten, absolutely smitten. It’s definitely the move if you are having a ruff day or just want to add up the day’s smile count. 


Price: Cortado=$3.87*

*The board appears to say that the small cortado costs $3.15 and a large costs $3.87. I got charged the higher price and at first thought that this had to do with me getting the drink to stay. However, I looked at the menu again and macchiato is on the same line as cortado. I don't think that a small cortado exists (and honestly, rightly so).

Hours: Monday–Friday {6:4517}; SaturdaySunday {6:45–18:30}


Extra Notes:

A quick note about the WIFI: it’s limited to two hours, and it seems to really only work on a laptop. So, you might have trouble accessing the network on your phone


The Bagel Oven


Willoughby’s Coffee & Tea