Gregory’s (44th)

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On what I like to call Elitists Row—Grand Central’s next door neighbor of Ivy League Clubs, the New York Bar Association, and others—this Gregory’s brings the stuffiness down a notch. The staff is very Gen Z, which doubly means that there was a moment when the better part of ten minutes was spend arguing about whether you could eat cereal with warm milk and also that they are on it. A hovering customer questioning the size of her oat, decaf Americano as it was being made? Corrected to large. Door opens? More often than not, a bright salutation from the barista in the backward-turned cap followed. A blink between order traffic? Changing trash bags and restocking. This location still has the circular box lights of the recognizable logo in the window, the newspaper wallpaper, and the hanging globe pendant lamps. What it doesn’t have? Outlets. Not a single one. In essence, it’s a cafe catering to grab and scoot and brief chit chat—a less common version of the cafe chain that is no better or worse but aware and just the right tempo. 



For More


For More 〰️

Drink: Coffee

A cup of Gregs House is what you get, and that is brewed right and that’s more than enough. In its description, there is a first note about the blend’s body and chocolate notes brought by Brazilian beans. While this brew—still after seven years—never lets me down, it is the coffee equivalent of a trick shot: the Brazilian is the hoop, basket, or destination while the brightening Colombian coffee is what you’ll notice and remember. It’s been some time since I’ve had (or brewed) Gregs House myself, so I can’t say with certainty what the new Papa New Guinea element is adding. What I can say is that it in no way disrupts this strong staple. And, while encouraging the funkiness and complexity of the Colombian beans, I think it also helps it land on its feet. 


Price: Gregs House=$3.35

Hours: Tuesday–Friday {619}; Saturday {7–18}; Sunday–Monday {7–17}

Extra Notes:

If you want Dark Enough, you have to go before 17:00. After that, they stop brewing it.



Parliament Espresso and Coffee Bar


Don Café