Coffee Monster (162nd St)

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Whoever designed the peek-a-boo shelving with a chalk board running the length, bravo. I loved feeling my cheeks tighten looking at all of K2VIN PARK’s chi I-like interpretations of Black Panther, Spider Man, and Groot. It was the perfect relief, reverse tightening of my previously intensely pursed lips in trying to ambitiously concentrate on every ebb and flow of the Japanese Cold Brew’s flavor tsunami. Chalk work aside, the cafe is the size of a deluxe hole in the wall. Namely, there’s enough space to fill up and sit down with a shaved ice, but it doesn’t fall under the “stay and study for awhile” umbrella, which is all well and good. There are some circular tabletops (and they might just joyously spin, like mine did), and they’ve stuck up some brass coffee beans as wall art in spots of the checkerboard, pinewood paneling. Make sure to take a second look. Lights along this paneling look like sconced fixtures. They are not. Actually, they are coffee hand grinders turned into lanterns, the grinds container emitting delicate light. Yeah, some half-hearted coffee decor is peeling from the ceiling, but all in all the cafe delights. I don’t think that there is a more fitting word. Come in for a bitty bite, little coffee monster, and be delighted.



For More


For More 〰️

Drink: Japanese Cold Brew

It could put hair on your chest. By golly. This coffee is not for the faint of heart. The guy who took my order was very upfront about everything after I told him I was looking for coffee. All of their coffee drinks are espresso based, and they have dark roast. Dark it was, indeed. The drink almost looked like black paint. I loved it.


Price: Japanese Cold Brew=$5.25

Hours: Everyday {723}



Rex Coffee


Red Pipes Cafe