Wolf Coffee and Toast

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The barista has that “your big brother’s good friend” vibe. It’s like anything you come in with you have to let go of as he’s known you since you were five. It’s a surprising dimension for this strictly eggshell interior, whispers of light-catching brush strokes in the wall paint and extremely matte vases standing up the flora (the only real pops of color). There’s no denying some kind of homage to the Asian minimalist style, but with the warmth of familiarity and the two cacti (one seemingly live senita and another bleached ceramic saguaro in front of the COFFEE STATION), it’s hard to convincingly attach this concept design and move on. The counter is a thick, unmovable block of white that braves a curve opposing the main seating, a secondary white block with two beige, suede cushions set into it. While there are many sockets in this installed seat, the tables, low circles, are for enjoying, not for studying or work. In fact, that’s the summary: relaxed not minimal, this cafe welcomes you to recharge, not just by offering many plugs but also by means of thoughtful undersaturation and inoffensive subtraction.



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For More 〰️

Drink: Flat White

The barista served this drink in a sort of jar cup? It had the ridges of a Gibraltar glass/Bonne Maman and the lip of a sort of fused glass, chandelier ring. It works all the same. I never mind a little unexpected presentation The coffee itself is from a Dijon roaster, Ours Blanc. The aroma ran very close to kettle corn, and I can say that the taste fell similarly into the domain of sweet-tinged savory. If I were to guess, I’d say that the flavor notes were caramel and perhaps something a little vegetal. After checking the bag, read it and weep: chocolat, caramel, noisette. It’s a honey processed Catucai from Brazil that was roasted 10 days before. It’s satisfying enough, especially the high-contrast, plucked plumeria Latte art. 


Price: Flat White=4.50€*

*Coconut and oat milks are free. I wish I had noticed this feature on the menu…but then again, I enjoyed it. So really, how much could I have wished?

Hours: MondayFriday {7:3019:00}; SaturdaySunday {8:0019:00}

Extra Notes:




BE - Collagène café