Boulangerie Bernollin

Click right to take a look around…

It’s a bakery first. I know that I’ve written this line before, but if the shoe fits? Arriving at 18:30 on a Sunday night, all the stools were flipped onto the tables—a gentle reminder not to stay or at least not to stay for very long. When I did get my cookie and coffee however, the efficient employee behind the counter offered the duo for here or to go. It’s like asking if someone else wants the last fry: you offer it to be kind, but you’d rather them not take them up on it. He didn’t ask this question this way though, opting for a very sure and kind proposition. Still, I knew they’d be shuttering in an hour, no reason to have the sour on me. It’s a wide aisle between the seating and the glass separating you from pain aux noix, l’everests, cookies, brownies, quiche, and more of a bakery-backed rainbow. The selection is ample at such a late time and on such a day, but there was a steady stream of twos and threes wandering in past the homeless man parked outside the automatic sliding door. I have a feeling that this bakery—with the fire station red industrial door—has hectic times and busy times. The drinks are stocked well, one TV screen retired for the evening while the other shown that they open seven days a week, and the pastry labels—while printed—are fading. Fundamentally, it is about a little dance with discovery, a little cookie consideration, and the white chairs and tables patterned like concrete flooring are politeness...because who doesn’t want the last fry?



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For More 〰️

Drink: Espresso

It tasted like a mini cup of good coffee! Like, if someone poured you out a Costa Rican or Guatemalan into an espresso cup. It’s not intense on the acidity or the bitterness and comes off with a little fruit but also a sweetness with nature’s edge (thinking sugar cane or wood-cooked caramel). From what I could find, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the TIVOLO coffee from FOLLIET—a blend with woody and toasted notes. Not an espresso shot, but equal to if not better than many espresso shots I’ve come across. 


Food: Noisette Cookie

This is a cookie worth all the money. Heck, I would commit crimes for this cookie. It was a choice between this cookie that looks like it was excavated from a hillside and triple chocolate chip. I couldn’t resist. The small pralines on top made it a dessert on a dessert as do the dollops of what I believe to be hazelnut butter. But, THERE’S MORE. It’s full of chocolate and bulging with whole hazelnuts (which are somehow not rock-hard). I’m convinced that it’s their triple chocolate recipe with one of the chocolate substituted with hazelnuts. Translation: it’s perfect. It keeps together while staying moist, and it doesn’t taste healthy or subtracted from, just absolutely decadent. Fantastic.

Price: Noisette Cookie=3.20€; Espresso=1€

Hours: Monday–Saturday {5:3020}; Sunday {7:1520}

Extra Notes:


Papy Armand


Bar (Gare Mâcon-Loché-TGV)