Stasio's Italian Deli & Market

The full update from 3/30/22 is below, but I wanted to note seperatley that—on this second visit—I also tried the WIFI, and it works perfectly.

UPDATE 3/30/22: Legitimately went back a week later. Yes, that happened. The girl who rarely walks over a coffee threshold twice went back a week later. There was just so much more deliciousness to be had.

Rainbow cookie cheesecake (you read that right)=$5.95 (charged as “FLAVOR CHEESECAKE”)

  • A picture of this beauty *cueThing of Beauty” by Danger Twins* can be found below. I try to avoid dessert fusions, not because of any love lost, but because it can get a little out of control extremely quickly. Cronuts, cruffins, birthday cake ice cream—best not to even get me started on the lattes (pumpkin pie, baklava, apple pie, cinnamon bun, etc.)—pepper the dessert landscape with overly sweet, catastrophic concoctions. But, when I saw this slice in the case, I had to try this dessert mashup. Rainbow cookie bits and flavors swirled into a thick-but-light Italian cheesecake was something I never thought I needed. It wasn’t too sweet, and it wasn’t ill-proportioned—more cheesecake than marzipan cookie or vice versa. I told my dad it would be three desserts (it was heavy). I cut it in half and managed two…

S B=$1.89

  • Last time I stopped in, the woman behind the counter really just identified the espresso options. This time, the other woman at the front listed the drink options out for me. And, lo and behold, drip coffee made the list. I’d give the espresso machine a break…this time. As far as the flavor, the size, the temperature—it receives praise. This laudation doesn’t even take into account other factors like how swiftly it appeared in front of me, the price, and the pour. I have no idea how it would be in the afternoon. But, for what I can say at 8 a.m., it hit the spot. It wasn’t bitter or burnt; it had the ruggedness of a mom-and-pop shop product without being lazy or grimy. I enjoyed sip after sip, and yet it lasted me until 2 p.m. Although I can’t speak to whether they also use FORZA here, I can say that this option isn’t just an American ruse. It’s the real deal, and I can’t appreciate it enough.

Pepper and egg sandwich=$6 (One with cheese=$1)

  • Packed with eggs and peppers, it comes on a dazzling poppyseed dusted roll. My father got this last time, and the surprised look we shared when he turned it to me so that I could see its contents is still etched in my memory. Everything comes together so unbelievably neatly. The eggs, fried with an almost (almost) excessive amount of peppers, makes for a beautiful and sustaining sandwich. I do prefer a bit more flavor, so I did add some red pepper flakes and some hot sauce when I got home, but all in all a worthwhile breakfast. The bun itself—my dad tore at it a little while he ate—is such a fun, perfect departure from your normal sliced bread or generic bread bun. It’s more like challah and twisted at the top. When (not if) I go back, I’ll probably revert back to the Melenzani because nothing competes with heaven on Earth.


  • My dad’s thoughts about this can be found below 🙂

Dad’s thoughts.

Rainbow Cookie Cheesecake

UPDATE 12/5/22: L (w/ almond milk) – my dad dared me—not with his words, but with his actions. So, I asked what other milks they had. Your choices are almond or whole milk. Why does that feel so appropriate? Anyways, the moment of truth. This drink made me happy, so so happy. I forgot about the way that espresso works here. And, while that surprise would have been enough, the gratitude was for the almond milk. It wasn’t burnt; it wasn’t dismantled; it was the stick figure of almond milks: resembling, sincere, and heartwarming. I may end up getting this latte again. Those words are a rarity.




Sugar Dough Bakehouse