Krispy Kreme (Millenia)

Click right to take a look around…

Finding entry on the side of the shop, I swore I saw a line through the windows. No, I DID see a line through the windows. It was scattered, a mix of pick-up orders hovering—presumably waiting for something more—and children hollering back to parents in Spanish from the donut case. What I soon realized was that not only was it a Saturday but also Orlando City was playing. 

“It’s 4:31, we got time,” a guy in purple merchandise said, approaching his Og-like friend preceding me in line.

A ready face emerged over the counter. We both looked at each other and hesitated due to the mother and daughter in front of me. After a few seconds of that, we shrugged together, and I ordered. Oh yes, if you take a seat at the foam green chairs and couches (which are super comfy) you’ll bear witness to (and might get caught in the crossfire’s of) the two boys in hats playing cops and robbers around the ground coffee display. You might even consider a game of hat stacking as the girl in yellow, from which popped flowers, did next to me. But, what is astounding (and why I have rated this spot a 5/5) is the spirit of the workers. Whatever pep talk the manager gave them in the morning worked. From the older woman’s overuse of the word “sunshine” (“$9.60, sunshine,” “What can I do for you, sunshine,” etc.) to the proud mention of the hot-off-the-belt original also in my donut bag (so that’s where she went before coming back to the register), it was a chord hit with an unexpected perfection. When the register acted up, the big-eyed beauty didn’t skip a beat.

“It’s senile,” she said as I hovered.

“Tell me a story about your week,” she continued, and the computer came back to life.

She wished me an incredible day, and I gestured to the donut, voicing my certainty that it would be. But, what does incredible require? I’m inclined to say two donuts in one hand, a coffee in the other, and a hair-netted, effortless life force.



For More


For More 〰️

Drink: New Classic Brewed Coffee

They actually advertise it, which is nice. Always so solid. The y brew something that is generally appeasing (like diner coffee) but a hair better than that (like they learned in a coffee culture). Out of curiosity, I employed Google. North Carolina. Well, leave that hypothesis out. It’s nothing to sneeze about on its own, but it needn’t be. Not burnt, not watered down, it is what it must be and that is all. 


Food: Pumpkin Spice Maple Pecan Donut

See, this is what I love about Krispy Kreme: they didn’t just slap maple frosting on a glazed donut. The donut was brown—spiced—and topped with a rich maple frosting, less characterized by peaks and more by glaze. The praline are such a nice touch (but eat over something, they will fall off, and you’ll mourn their loss). It went so quickly. I was both grateful and distraught over the second donut. The original glazed curbed the loss, but it just wasn’t nearly as special.

Price: Pumpkin Spice Maple Pecan Donut=$2.39; Drip Coffee=$2.49; FREE Hot Fresh Original too! The light was on.

Hours: SundayThursday {622}; FridaySaturday {623}



Foxtail Coffee (SoDo North)


CFS (Kirkman)