UPDATE 7/28/23: Closed their cafe in Winter Park. However, do not despair! They didn’t “move” per se, but they did relocate. A post about their new Maitland local coming soon!

12/23/21 UPDATE: A woman of my word—I went back to try that cappuccino. I couldn’t stop thinking about that Decent Espresso machine’s potential. The note I put into my phone: “Actually, pretty damn good.” But, I’m getting ahead of myself. When interacting with the barista—who had that demeanor that is just impossible not to love—I asked her about alternative milks, and she relayed that they have oat and almond milk, so I just went traditional. I get a better sense of technique/machine performance this way anyways. Espresso machines are really calibrated for dairy milks. Because they have no special cappuccino cups, she had to put it in a regular cup. Totally fine. She just told me because it meant that she had to pour it shy of the lip. My father, who I was with on this outing, got a flat white and liked it. I don’t know how, but it totaled $8 even. I took a double-take at the rails and letters of the board when she said it. Sure enough, a cappuccino was $4.50 while a flat white cost $4. I don’t know what was discounted or perhaps mispriced, but I didn’t complain. We stayed a little while after getting our drinks, giving me the chance to chat more with the barista as she mulled about. She was very proud of the fact they use only single-origin beans, meaning no blends, and I too nodded appreciatively. Even as a barista myself, preparation and consideration of single-origins coffee was elevated and rightly so. These coffees are of a higher quality and, because they are optimally served individually, more labor intensive. She referred me down to their sea foam packages in front of the register and let me know that they use their Columbia beans—CHERRY, MILK CHOCOLATE—for all of their espresso drinks. Considering this new knowledge, and just the general “wow” sentiment when my expectations were set unfairly high, I’m going to change my Price rating to 3, given the quality.


1/11/22 UPDATE: You just can’t keep me away. Went back for free coffee Tuesday, got the hot coffee (and purchased a guava cheese pastry)—the coffee is sincerely some of the best around. Now I’m just convinced you can’t go wrong. Can’t decide whether I like the hot or iced coffee better, but don’t worry. Go with the temperature you’re feeling, and you’ll be golden.


Café Brie


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